Joe Sport on the Beach !

Publié le par Jonas's Girls

Saturday afternoon (March 20th), Joe was doing sport on the beach with his coach!
After the sport, they went at the Body Shop to buy a smoothie!
MORE PHOTOS >>>         HERE


Nick Jonas get involved in and the VH1 Save the Music foundation's "Battle of  the Bands" campaign wich mobilizes teens in the fight for keeping music education in schools.

The "Battle of the Bands" encourages teens to submit videos to featuring their own muical performance.
Source : JustJaredJJ


 Nick Jonas "se bat" avec DoSomething.Org afin que la musique reste une matière à apprendre à l'école.
A travers "Battle of The bands", ils encouragent les jeunes à poster leurs performances musicales en video sur le site même :)

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